Earth Day: In the Right Hands

Apr 22, 2022

Earth Day, of course, is all about celebrating conservation, stewardship, and the many contributions from our environment. Those who spend their days of toil in agriculture tend to believe that every day is spent celebrating conservation, stewardship, and the many contributions from our environment.

Our life depends on it.

We celebrate technology and the brilliant minds that have come before us, paving a way for increased production on fewer acres and with less laborers. 

We celebrate hope when soybeans and corn emerge from warming spring soil.

We celebrate relief when rain finally moves across the county in July.

We celebrate gratitude when harvest is complete and bins are full.


One of our favorite quotes regarding stewardship remains,

We don’t inherit the land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.


Because truly, it's never been about us, but always about them.

The seed we invest in, the crop protection plan we execute, the crop nutrients we apply, the waterways we generate and partnerships we build with the local soil and water conservation office – that’s all for the succession of the family farm.

Maybe a daughter will take it over, maybe a neighbor, or maybe a grandson.


Our goal while here and active
is to instill in each of them
the natural and ongoing celebration of our environment and all it offers
when in the right hands:
those of the American Farmer.



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