Answer Plot 2022 in Photos

Aug 26, 2022
This week we hosted our 2022 Answer Plot events, held in Pershing and Tipton, Indiana. The two days brought more than 200 farmer-members into the field with us, talking about in-season management, discussing the current state of the acre and offering insight into the year ahead. Each event presented this line up:

Year in Review & Fall Outlook – Brandon Lovett, Agronomy Sales Leader & Brad Ott, Nutritional Account Manager - Rosen’s

Managing Dynamic Input Markets – Emily Thrasher, CN Manager & Scott Stout, CPP & Seed Manager

2023 Crop Protection Considerations – Jason Roth, Co-Alliance Agronomist

YieldPro Updates – Noah Freeman & YieldPro Team

Today we’ll share with you snapshots of both events. We hope you can join us for an Answer Plot near you in 2023!


The Future is Bright!


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