How to Spot A Farm Kid on Valentine's Day

Feb 11, 2022
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner (consider this your friendly reminder) and we’ve been talking about how that day just looks differently for people in agriculture.

Maybe because it’s just another day for those who can’t pick up and go on a romantic overnight trip when the hog barns must still be checked, or maybe because we usually spend this weekend preparing for or attending the National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville. Whether it’s a day to celebrate love or just another Monday, those in agriculture still have work to do.

That mentality was instilled into us at an early age. So this week on the blog we’d like to share with you five ways you can spot the farm kids on Valentine’s Day.

Forget candy hearts and Hi-C, farm kids are more inclined to share beef jerky, cold milk and Cow Tails with their classmates.  

Why? Because they know that beef jerky is a good source of protein and high in many vitamins and minerals, including zinc, iron and vitamin B12. They also help raise that beef. 

They want to share milk with their buddies because each serving of milk provides 8 grams or more of the recommended daily intake for calcium, Vitamin D (if fortified), protein, potassium, Vitamin A, and Vitamin B12. They also help care for the cattle that produce that milk. 

And Cow Tails? Well they’re just dang fun to eat.



A tiny paper with meaningless words that is given to twenty other kids in the class is of little value to farm kids. They’d rather give special rocks they’ve found in the barn lot because they're unique, fun to find, and packed with longevity. Farm kids understand that store bought valentines get thrown away, but cool rocks have been – and will be - around forever!


A farm kid's valentine box is never mistaken for anyone else’s because there isn’t another student who would associate love with images of feed grinders, sprayers, manure spreaders, skid loaders and tractors. Farm kids are creative enough to utilize the latest issue of Farm World and Tractor House to display their love with a bit of cardboard, Elmer’s glue and a whole lot of hydraulic fluid.


Forget dressing farm kids in pink on the day of love. But red, green, blue or yellow? Oh yeah. They can do that. Because farm kids know the direct correlation between loyalty and love, and when it comes to equipment, they never choose pink.


Finally, forget flowers for the farm kid on Valentine's Day. They'd much rather pick their own dandelions out of the yard on their way to the bus. However, if you did offer them a bacon bouquet, you just may win their heart forever. 

Happy Valentine's Day from Co-Alliance

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