If This Jacket Could Talk
No doubt, the Official Dress and FFA jacket will be ready for a break after this week.

If this jacket could talk, it would tell you that it knows Robert – and his Rules of Order- very well.
If this jacket could talk, it would tell you that you might outgrow jacket itself, but you won’t outgrow the memories or experiences.
If this jacket could talk, it would tell you that Official Dress really does matter. No jeans, no dirty boots, no zippers undone:
If this jacket could talk, it would tell you that many of your greatest lessons in high school happen after the 3:00 bell rings.
If this jacket could talk, it would tell you your scarf or tie is hiding in your left pocket.
If this jacket could talk, it would tell you that when we think of our favorite chapters, we don’t think of a book.
If this jacket could talk, it would tell you that FFA is one organization that has remained true to it’s core through generations. We all still believe in the future of agriculture, with a faith born not of words but of deeds – achievements won by the present and past generations of agriculturists; in the promise of better days through better ways, even as the better things we now enjoy have come to us from the struggles of former years.
If this jacket could talk, it would tell you that corduroy has a special durability to withstand the harshest October wind streaming through Indianapolis during convention, pins and embroidery needles that come along with leadership changes and even constructive criticism from judges.
If this jacket could talk, it would tell you to prepare yourself for the day that you hang up your jacket, placing it in the back corner of your closet, knowing it’s work is done, never to be worn again. It is a moment that signifies the end of a chapter in your life. But don’t you worry, the best is yet to come.
If this jacket could talk, it would tell you that FFA is more than future farmers of America, but rather future botanists, food scientists, veterinarians, ag journalists, loan officers, chemical salesmen, farm broadcasters, teachers, nutritionists, applicators, mechanics and so much more.
Thank you to the advisors who dedicate so much of their time and energy to the students of the FFA organization, to the students who comprise such a promising group of future agriculturalists and to the parents who buy an endless supply of black panty hose and clean white oxford shirts for four years to get those students through. The FFA is an organization that gives us such promise of better days.