State FFA Convention: Opportunity Awaits

Jul 02, 2021
As true believers of the power of National Blue and Corn Gold, and sponsors of the Indiana FFA Foundation, Co-Alliance had an opportunity to present a workshop at the 2021 State Convention at the great Indiana State Fairgrounds. 

We put a lot of thought into what we could present to such an audience, one of students of all ages, from all over the state. We wanted to capitalize on the opportunities in agriculture and the many doors that can open for these students as they become employees in agriculture.
But the more our team talked, the more our ideas evolved about ways to encourage these students to do the small things well so the big doors open for them in the future. 

This week on our blog, we offer you just a glimpse of the hour-long presentation and panel about Opportunities in Agriculture. This wasn't a job market update, this was encouragement followed by real-life testimony from four outstanding Co-Alliance employees who are early in their career but are doing the small things well.

We discussed mentorships and the value of finding a mentor. We asked the students to write down the name of a possible mentor and how they could be of benefit. 

We discussed many things they could do position themselves for opportunity, including being punctual, doing more than what is expected of you, having the ability to learn (and not knowing everything going into a role), creating habits of improvement, and most importantly, understanding your why
Scott Logue, Co-Alliance Executive Vice President,
is proof of what opportunity awaits when you do more than what is expected
Lindsay Sankey, Marketing Specialist, lead the workshop

Then we introduced a panel of four Co-Alliance employees who are early in their careers but still have years of experience under their belts. We invited students to text questions to us and we answered them live. 
Brandon Lanman, Applicator
Mae McDaniel, Energy Sales Specialist
Ben Wiatt, Agronomy Specialist
Cody Volz, Agronomy Digital Lead
Can you believe that we received so many questions from the audience that we ran out of time? We are absolutely thrilled that students took such an interest in the stories of Brandon, Mae, Ben and Cody and that they wanted to learn more about opening those doors of opportunity for themselves. 
Co-Alliance employees and interns who made the event possible
We thank the Indiana FFA Foundation for the opportunity to present to the bright and promising future of Indiana and agriculture. Interested in learning more? Visit our website or join us at state convention in 2022!

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