Summer’s Unsung Heroes

Jul 16, 2021

Giving the livestock one final clip, finishing project books (as mom makes threats) and racing to the fairgrounds to make the submission deadline without hitting the breaks and ruining the cake decorating project.

We are in the thick of it, aren’t we?

Across Co-Alliance’s territory, county and state fair season is in full swing.


Whether your show box is done for the season and already cleaned out (Who are we kidding? You’ll start cleaning out 2021 ribbons in May of 2022) or you’re just now thinking about packing the trailer, this fair season we want to talk about summer’s unsung heroes.

Summer’s unsung heroes are not the judges or the sno-cone machine operators; they’re the county 4-H extension educators who ensure the county fairs happen.

Summer’s unsung heroes play many roles, including but not limited to head organizer, on-site nurse, rule officer, chief communicator, hug and high five distributor and endless encourager.

Summer’s unsung heroes are the people who are constantly at the mercy of city, county, state and national officials regarding meeting and safety protocols, safe distances, and populated area restrictions. Summer’s unsung heroes don’t make the rules, but they must enforce them.

Summer’s unsung heroes are the ones who leave the house before the sun rises and return home after dark, only to kiss their own sleeping children goodnight.

Summer’s unsung heroes constantly have 100 projects in the air, and the year’s success is determined by 7 straight days during the hottest week of the year, which is full of hundreds of kids and countless passionate - and vocal - parents. 


Summer’s unsung heroes haven’t eaten in 5 hours and their feet hurt really badly, but they’ll mention neither to anyone.

Summer’s unsung heroes work tirelessly to ensure the kids of our rural communities have the opportunity to create, build, grow and feed things from home, bring them to the county fair and display them proudly. 

Summer’s unsung heroes do so much for children they have absolutely no blood relation to simply because they want to see those kids succeed.

Co-Alliance offers a mighty and heart-felt thank you to all extension educators who dedicate so much time, energy and passion into our rural communities and our kids. You likely hear more from people who want to complain, but we offer great praise for your efforts and work.  

We salute you, summer’s unsung heroes.


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