Meet the Interns

Jun 11, 2021
This week we want to introduce you to the bright young minds that are spending the next two months with us at Co-Alliance as summer interns. This group of college students has committed to research, organization, collaboration and communication on behalf of our farmer-owned cooperative.

Parker Sullivan

Directive Field Scout Assistant

Hometown? Greentown, Indiana 

Where do you go to school? Purdue University 

What are you studying? Agribusiness  

Year in school? Junior 

What projects do you look forward to working on this summer? This summer I am looking forward to working with the research plots and finding which hybrids have the best response to fungicide application.

Future career plans or goals?  I plan to go into seed sales or an account management position for a seed company.  

Why did you want to be a Co-Alliance intern? 

I have known many Co-Alliance interns who have had great experiences from their internships, as well as many employees who truly enjoy working for Co-Alliance.  

Trevor Reiboldt

Ag Tech Intern

Hometown? West College Corner, IN 

Where do you go to school? Purdue University  

What are you studying? Ag Business 

Year in School? Senior 

What projects do you look forward to this summer? I will be analyzing how accurate drone deploy is at taking stand counts.

Future career plans or goals? I plan to eventually move back home to the family farm. 

Why did you want to be a Co-Alliance intern? I know a couple people that work for Co-Alliance and they seem to enjoy working here.

Hannah Deno

Marketing Intern

Hometown? Danville, IN 

Where do you go to school? Purdue University 

What are you studying? Agricultural Communications 

Year in school? Senior

What projects do you look forward to working on this summer? I am looking forward to the many different marketing projects that I have been assigned, which include a brand refresh: updating/designing new membership items, updating forms, and helping with many other projects that arise in the department.

Future career plans or goals? I hope to obtain a career with an agricultural company in marketing with a focus in graphic design.  

Why did you want to be a Co-Alliance intern? This is my second summer interning with Co-Alliance, and I really enjoyed the first summer even though it was during COVID that when I was offered back, I knew I wanted to return for summer number two. I originally wanted to be a Co-Alliance intern because I grew up with Co-Alliance in my community and wanted to see if they had an opportunity that matched what I was interested in.  

Noah Berning

Region 3 Field Scout Coordinator

Hometown? Monroeville, Indiana 

Where do you go to school? Purdue Univeristy  

What are you studying? Double Major in Agricultural Systems Management and Agricultural Economics; with minors in Farm Management, Food and Agribusiness Management, and Organizational Leadership. 

Year in School? Sophomore 

What projects do you look forward to this summer? I am looking forward to working and managing our team of field scouts and helping them have a successful summer.

Future career plans or goals? I hope to enter the agricultural industry in a sales and marketing capacity. 

Why did you want to be a Co-Alliance intern? I was introduced to Co-Alliance last year as an Indiana FFA State Officer and have heard great things about this cooperative and the opportunities that it provided. 

Claire Davis

Swine Management and Nutrition Intern

Hometown? Reynolds, Indiana

Where do you go to school? Purdue Univeristy  

What are you studying? Agribusiness Management and Animal Science

Year in School? Junior

What projects do you look forward to this summer? I am looking forward to diving deeper into the swine industry to gain some new perspectives as well as learning about nutrition and working on my summer project over pellet durability.

Future career plans or goals? In the future, I plan to stay involved in the agriculture industry and eventually come back to my family’s farm.

Why did you want to be a Co-Alliance intern? I wanted to become a Co-Alliance intern not only because of the quality and structure of the internship programs but because of the core values, respect, and community support the co-op holds.

Luke Weaver

Agronomy Intern

Hometown? Monticello, IN 

Where do you go to school? Purdue University 

What are you studying? Agricultural Systems Management 

Year in school? Senior  

What projects do you look forward to working on this summer? I’m looking forward to learning more about how the branch runs as a whole, with an emphasis on the seed hub.  

Future career plans or goals?  My future plans are to stay with Co-Alliance and manage the Reynolds Seed Hub. 

Why did you want to be a Co-Alliance intern? I wanted to work with Co-Alliance because I had a scouting internship in the past and really enjoyed my time here. 

This summer will challenge and develop these students and we couldn’t be happier that they’ve chosen to broaden their horizon with Co-Alliance.

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