Progress of a Pilgrim
Nov 18, 2022
A co-op kid recently began asking many questions about Thanksgiving and pilgrims. The school curriculum will really get those wheels – and words – turning.
“Are there any pilgrims still alive?”
“That’s sad. I want to meet them.”
“Are there any pilgrims still alive?”
“That’s sad. I want to meet them.”
“Well think about it, buddy. That was like 300 years ago,” Don’t check the mom’s math – she was way off. “No one lives to be 300. Why do you want to meet them?”
“To ask them how they knew what seeds to plant. Pumpkins and corn. How’d they know that?”
“Well, those were probably things they already knew how to grow from their homeland. So, they brought those seeds with them on the Mayflower and got to work.”
“I wish they didn’t bring broccoli seeds. I wish those were still in the homeland.”

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We consider the discussions had that first Thanksgiving when new soil and strange sounds all came together to create a new path for an entire class of people.
And because we’re in the business of feeding and fueling people and places, we think about what was going through their head upon landing at the harbor.
What if the soil of Plymouth Harbor was heavy clay? Would they have taken one look at the mess and turned the boat around?
What if they didn’t consider the natives as trusted advisors and ask questions about the land, the sky, the sea?
What if they experienced a drought that first year? Would they have sent carrier pigeons with a note: “Bone Dry. Send boat back. Not worth it.”
Or perhaps each year was better than the one before. Seed selection, depth, placement – no doubt the things they discussed year to year.
As our farmer-members wrap up the 2022 growing season, we can’t help but think that they too are reflecting on how the year went, what was successful, what wasn’t, and what might be corrected for the following year. Like the progress of a pilgrim.